Still Life for Laura


December 2019

  • Still life full
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  • still reference

Drawing upon inspiration from Dutch Baroque still life paintings, I created a still life for my sister. In order to create a painting that is personalized, I chose objects and books that hold relevance to her life, while still drawing upon tropes of the historical time period. It was a challenge of my digital painting skills, and I experimented with several different methods in order to achieve the look I wanted.

Who's Keiran?

Keiran Pillman is a designer, illustrator, and researcher living in Rochester, NY. They have a BFA in New Media Design from the Rochester Institute of Technology (2015), and a MFA in Art History from the University of Massachusetts Amherst (2017). They have worked as a freelance designer and illustrator for seven years, doing projects for a variety of clients.

In their spare time, Keiran enjoys running, hiking, writing both fiction and non-fiction, and serving as a loyal minion for their cat.